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Implementing Smart Maintenance in Industry: Innovation Projects Flash Talks

Data-driven methods for predictive maintenance are gaining attention both in applied research and in industry. However, often there is a substantial gap between state-of-the-art methods in research and the actual status of implementation of these methods in industrial systems and infrastructures.
Some of the questions that are often left open are:

  • How can a company identify a business opportunity that can be addressed by data-driven innovations?
  • Which data would be required for the successful implementation of such innovation?
  • What tailor-made tools would be required for the data-acquisition, storage and processing?
  • How would we integrate the innovation in our existing industrial framework and make sure it is efficiently adopted by the operational teams?

In this meeting we focus our attention on one of the primary tools that allow Swiss companies to bridge the gap between research and practice: Innosuisse funding for R&D collaboration projects between applied research institutes and industry companies. We will briefly explain the idea and formal procedure of an Innosuisse funding grant for such projects and then introduce several concrete examples for past successful projects in the field of smart maintenance. Each project presenter will have 10 minutes to summarize the main goal and implemented outcomes. We will conclude with a session of questions and answers to the presenters.

In this way we hope to give our members a clearer perspective of the possibilities that the Swiss Innovation Agency allows in order to transfer knowledge from applied research into industry, with focus on data-driven maintenance applications for industrial assets and infrastructures.

We strongly encourage you to participate in the active discussion, and in addition to forward this invitation to people in your company that might play a relevant role in decision processes regarding innovation.

12:00-12:10 pm Introduction: Innosuisse projects as a business opportunity.
12:10-13:00 pm 5 Flash Talks: Innovation Projects in Smart Maintenance (various speakers from research and industry).
13:00-13:10 pm Databooster industry 4.0: boosting innovation initiatives.
13:10-13:30 pm Q&A session.

Registered participants will receive a link to the meeting prior to the event. Please register through the form at the bottom of this page. For questions you are welcome to contact us directly through or

Best Regards

Thomas Palmé and Lilach Goren Huber



März 18 2021


12:00 - 13:30




data innovation alliance
data innovation alliance
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