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Schlagwort: Public Event

AI in Finance and Insurance – The Future of Financial Data Analytics

In the frame of the ExpertDay, an inter-active breakout session is organized by the ExpertGroup AI in Finance and Insurance, presented by M. Vendramet and A. Blum (Unit8) and B.H. Misheva (BFH).The challenges adressed include the mountains of data you are managing in finance and the  currently available machine learning techniques, which can give finance teams an edge in connecting all the data, finding trends and insights. Inspiring insights are presented by N. Königstein and G. Raille:

  • Presentation: Nicole Königstein, Chief Data Scientist, Head of AI & Quant Research, Wyden Capital AG: Financial Times Series Prediction in the Age of Transformers
  • Presentation: Guillaume Raille, Engagement Director & Data Scientist at Unit8 SA: LLMs beyond Chatbots: Unveiling the challenges of advanced LLM applications based on a real-world use cases

Join the discussion on topics that might be relevant for the DIA in the future and register here.

Shaping Workshop – BFH meets Practice: Digital Onboarding for Small and Medium-Sized Companies: A Toolbox Approach

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the onboarding process has emerged as a crucial
aspect of organizational success. With the advent of remote work and virtual teams, new challenges
have arisen, necessitating the development of structured onboarding processes that incorporate digital
tools. However, the integration of analog and digital tools to effectively assimilate new hires
remains a persistent challenge for organizations.

Effective onboarding of new hires has long been recognized as a critical factor in organizational
success. It ensures a smooth transition for new employees and facilitates their assimilation into the
organizational culture and workflow. However, with the paradigm shift towards remote work and virtual
teams, the traditional onboarding process has encountered new hurdles, necessitating the adoption of
novel strategies and digital tools. New work arrangements offer flexibility and access to talent pools
beyond geographical boundaries. However, they also present unique challenges in terms of team
collaboration, communication, and fostering a sense of belonging. Addressing these challenges
requires a reimagining of the onboarding process.

Leveraging digital technologies for employee onboarding creates complexities that differ from
traditional in-person onboarding. The absence of physical presence makes it challenging to establish
personal connections (commitment and organizational citizenship behaviour) and convey the
organizational culture effectively. The challenges posed by the combination of analog and digital tools
necessitate innovative strategies. By implementing a structured onboarding process that incorporates
digital tools effectively, organizations can foster a sense of connection, enhance employee
engagement, and lay the foundation for long-term success in a digital-first era.

A research Team of the BFH aims to develop a toolbox of digital solutions in order to empower
SMEs to effectively integrate new hires. Through empirical research and a focus on specific SME
needs, this study seeks to enhance the onboarding experience and promote organizational success. 

We are inviting companies interested in participating in a shaping workshop to share their
knowledge and insights
regarding the use of digital tools in the onboarding processes. This
workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to discuss the challenges they face and generate
initial ideas on how to effectively address these challenges. We encourage companies to join us
in this collaborative session to foster knowledge sharing and collectively enhance the onboarding

The workshop will take place on 02.10.2023 from 16.30 – 18.00 at Haslerstrasse 30, 3008 Bern
followed by an Apèro.

The language of the workshop will be chosen depending on the number of registered participants

Registration is requested by 18.09.2023 to

Swiss Text Analytics Conference

SwissText is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is organized by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (HES-SO // HE-Arc) as well as the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the data innovation alliance.

You can find more information on the official website.

Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0: Digitale Ökosysteme

Industrie 4.0 ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Prozesse transparenter zu gestalten und die Integration von internen und externen Partnern neu zu gestalten. Je nach Grad der Partnerintegration können sogar ganze Ökosysteme, bestehend aus Lieferanten, Kunden, Konkurrenten und Substitutionsunternehmen, etabliert werden.

Die Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0 bietet einen Einblick in unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten der Ökosystemgestaltung. Die Inhalte der Konferenz umfassen unterschiedlichen Lösungsansätze (“best practices” aus Unternehmen) zu folgenden Fragen:

  • Wie kann die Transparenz in Supply Chains dank Industrie 4.0 erhöht werden (traceability)?
  • Wie können dank Industrie 4.0 neue Geschäftsmodelle mit stärkerer Kundenintegration gestaltet werden?
  • Wie können ganze Partnernetzwerke in Ökosysteme überführt und somit neuartige Ressourcen und Kompetenzen erschlossen werden?

An der Konferenz Perspektiven mit Industrie 4.0 werden Lösungen von und für Schweizer KMU präsentiert, die pionierhaft und mustergültig sind. Wir laden Sie ein, sich davon inspirieren zu lassen und freuen uns über Ihre Teilnahme.

Finden Sie mehr Informationen auf der offiziellen Webseite

Smart Service Summit: building resilience in a changing world

The volatility we have experienced recently was unexpected, and society needed to be sufficiently prepared. Unforeseen resource shortages, logistics and skilled people have further challenged our society. We see today that the markets are driven by the scarcity of resources rather than demand. Coupled with this is the need to integrate sustainability into our behaviour. All of this results in a wave of short-term and rushed management decisions that are not sustainable in the medium- and long-term and, in many cases, create unforeseen consequences that, on an individual basis, make sense yet, on a systemic basis, make the situation worse. 

It became evident that we need to be more resilient and able to deal with the changes our rapidly changing world throws at us. Resilience can be achieved by rapidly adapting to a dramatically changed situation (through resourcefulness, adaptability, and flexibility) (Conz & Magnani, 2020). Capacity increases can achieve this by improving the system’s ability to absorb shocks (e.g., by more redundancy, robustness, or agility). Smart services can provide the capability to adapt within ecosystems. By their inherent design of resource integration in socio-technical systems (Vargo et al., 2018), services systems build up the dynamic capabilities to rearrange existing resources for adapting to dynamically changing needs.

The smart services summit 2023 will be dedicated to the capability of smart service systems to support resilience and build sustainability. Contributions are welcome in the following fields:

  • How can smart services create value in dynamic ecosystems?
  • How can dynamic capabilities be developed?
  • How are resilience and sustainability in smart service systems interrelated?
  • How can resilience and short-term value optimisation go hand in hand?
  • What are practical examples and best practice experiences from companies?
  • What role does AI play in building resilience and helping with sustainability?

Contributions are invited both from practitioners and scholars. We prefer emerging work that will create discussions; the studies could be based on cases and theoretical frameworks. Accepted papers will be published in Springer proceedings as 12-page papers. 

Prof. Dr Shaun West and Dr. Jürg Meierhofer



Submissions can be entered here: EASYCHAIR

Abstracts must be made using the abstract template: CLICK HERE.

Full papers must be submitted using the Springer Word Template: CLICK HERE.

All submissions will undergo a blind review process. Further information can be found here:


The proceedings will be published in by Springer

Prior versions:

The co-chairs may contact authors directly for inclusion in an MDPI special call on „Service Ecosystem: Resilience and Sustainability”.


The conference will be held in Zürich on 27 October 2023.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to:

Jürg Meierhofer, Lectuerer for Business Engineering and Operations Management (,

Shaun West, Professor for Product-Service System Innovation (


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Industrieforum 2025

Am 9. Mai trifft sich die Industrie 4.0-Community zur Jubiläumsausgabe in Brugg-Windisch. Zusammen mit rund 300 Teilnehmenden aus der verarbeitenden Industrie begrüssen wir neben 25 Ausstellern in der Experten-Expo unseren diesjährigen Keynote-Speaker, Thomas Zurbuchen, bis Ende 2022 Head of Science bei der NASA. Er wird mit Weitblick aus mehreren Raumfahrt-Missionen die Learnings zur Digitalisierung, Daten und Innovation für die Industrie aufzeigen.

Daneben zeigen weitere Expertinnen und Experten digitale und innovative Lösungsansätze für aktuelle Herausforderungen, wagen einen Blick in die Zukunft und abgerundet wird der Tag mit einem Reality-Check zu Industrie 4.0-Cases aus den zehn Ausgaben des «Industrieforum 2025» ab.

Auf der offiziellen Webseite finden Sie mehr Informationen.

Smart Maintenance Insights – Online Session

Am 27. April 2023 laden wir Sie sehr herzlich zu unseren Smart Maintenance Insights ein.

In Zusammenarbeit mit der data innovation alliance veranstaltet Easyfairs zum dritten Mal einen Online-Event kostenfrei.

Rund um das Fokusthema „Was bleibt nach dem Hype: Reale Smart Maintenance cases in der Umsetzung“, erwarten Sie zwei hochwertige Referate, welche Wissenschaft und Praxis zusammenbringen.

Bringen Sie sich auf das smarte Level und reservieren Sie sich einen kostenlosen Platz an unserer Online-Session vom 27. April 2023 von 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr.

SATW – Jahreskongress 2023

Versorgungssicherheit – technische Souveränität

Corona, Klimawandel, Krieg in der Ukraine. Verschiedene Krisen in letzter Zeit, die immer noch andauern, haben gezeigt, dass es nur wenig braucht, um die «Just in time»-Maxime ins Stolpern zu bringen. Es stellen sich wichtige Fragen darüber, wie es um unsere Versorgungssicherheit in vielen Bereichen steht und wie technisch souverän die Schweiz sein sollte. Dabei ist die Technik sehr oft sehr stark gefragt.

Am SATW-Jahreskongress suchen wir Antworten. Einerseits für «Energie»: So hat das Szenario einer Strommangellage Fragen rund um Versorgungssicherheit beim Umbau des Energiesystems in der Schweiz wieder vermehrt in den Fokus gerückt. Wie steht es um diese im Bereich Energieversorgung? Wie können wir diese kurz- und langfristig verbessern? Ist dies überhaupt nötig? Und anderseits für «Daten – künstliche Intelligenz»: Wie technisch souverän kann die Schweiz sein? Welche Abhängigkeiten von internationalen Playern müssen wir eingehen?

Seien Sie dabei. Der SATW-Jahreskongress richtet sich an Fachleuten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und von Behördenseite und ist kostenlos.

Finden Sie alle Informationen und die Anmeldung auf der offiziellen Webseite!

Service Event „Eating, Learning, Netzworking“ – The digital ship

Key Speaker

Dr. sc. ETH Nikolas Schaal
Projectmanager Digital Shiptec AG

Shiptec is Switzerlands largest professional shipyard. I will present our digital solutions for captain and ship owner. Clear benefits as well as future plans are presented.

Please register using the form below. You can also find all information in the flyer!

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