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Schlagwort: Member Event

Match-Making in Big Data with Academia and Industry

In collaboration with the National Research Programme NRP 75 “Big Data”.

The National Research Programme NRP 75 “Big Data” provides foundations for the effective and
appropriate use of big data. The projects focus on computing and information technology. They deal
with the effects on society as well as on big data applications in various areas of society.

In November 2020, three match-making events will be held to enable possible collaborations
between NRP 75 projects and representatives of the industry. Short pitches of the projects will focus
on technology transfer and will be followed by poster sessions to answer questions, make contacts,
and exchange ideas.

The third match-making event will take place online on 24.11.2020 from 13:00 – 17:00.

If this date doesn’t fit two more match-making events will take place online on 10.11.2020 and on 19.11.2020 (always in the afternoon).

Attendees of the events receive information about the participating projects in advance, so that the
preparation for a qualified feedback is possible.

Participation is free of charge — but the number of places is limited!

For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position – and date when you will
attend) to

Match-Making in Big Data with Academia and Industry

n collaboration with the National Research Programme NRP 75 “Big Data”.

The National Research Programme NRP 75 “Big Data” provides foundations for the effective and
appropriate use of big data. The projects focus on computing and information technology. They deal
with the effects on society as well as on big data applications in various areas of society.

In November 2020, three match-making events will be held to enable possible collaborations
between NRP 75 projects and representatives of the industry. Short pitches of the projects will focus
on technology transfer and will be followed by poster sessions to answer questions, make contacts,
and exchange ideas.

The second match-making event will take place online on 19.11.2020 from 13:00 – 17:00.

If this date doesn’t fit two more match-making events will take place online on 10.11.2020 and on 24.11.2020 (always in the afternoon).

Attendees of the events receive information about the participating projects in advance, so that the
preparation for a qualified feedback is possible.

Participation is free of charge — but the number of places is limited!

For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position – and date when you will
attend) to

Use-Case Talks Series

In collaboration with Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions.

We enjoy in-depth technical discussions and exchange information about interesting technical challenges among industry, academic and individual members in our Use-Case Talk Series. In a relaxed atmosphere we will discuss about progresses and challenges in data projects, Use-Cases and applications.

The Use-Case Talks Series will be ONLINE.

: Privacy in AI – with the following speakers:

Alexander Grimm
– CEO at Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions AG

Use-Case Talk 1: Enabling secure data ecosystems with confidential computing
Dr. David Sturzenegger
– Technical Producer at Decentriq

Use-Case Talk 2: From Questions to Answers
João Pedro Monteiro
– Co-Founder & CTO at Veezoo

The Use-Case Talk Series is organized by Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions AG on behalf of Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services.

Space is limited to 20 participants and free of charge — interesting discussions at the networking Apéro are included!

For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position) to

Alliance General Assembly

The General Assembly 2020 of the Data+Service Alliance will be online and take place on October 28, 2020. More details will follow in the next months.

Like the previous times, the GA will not only be a place for the members’ main contacts to exercise their official voting rights, but also a place for everyone else from our Alliance to get into the details of what makes up our network, and to get in touch.

We encourage everyone interested in joining us by registering themselves via email. You can use the following text:

Subject: GA registration

Text: Register: myself, guest (details of the guest if anyone is joining you).

In case of questions, contact us for clarifications.

Smart Cities und Schutz der Privatsphäre – ein Widerspruch?

Smart Cities, Open Data und Schutz der Privatsphäre – ein Widerspruch?

My Data Zürich

Thu, Oct 22 · 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Viele Städte und auch kleinere Gemeinden unternehmen zunehmend Anstrengungen in Richtung «Smart Cities» – oft ist dies Experiment und Lernerfahrung zugleich.

Der Weg zu Smart Cities bedingt auch Digitale Transformation, und damit entsteht eine wachsende Menge an digital verfügbaren Daten. Diese werden oft auch als «Open Data» der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung gestellt. Durch die immer einfachere Verfügbarkeit digitaler Daten – technisch, aber auch geografisch – kommt auch dem Schutz der Privatsphäre wachsende Bedeutung zu. Dieser Anlass bearbeitet die teilweise widersprüchlichen Erwartungen in einem interaktiven Format.

Prof. Stephan Haller und Ursula Uttinger zeigen in Impulsreferaten Potentiale, Chancen und Risiken von Smart Cities auf. Im anschliessenden «World Café» haben die Gäste die Möglichkeit, die Themen mit weiteren Experten zu diskutieren. Eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse im Plenum rundet den Anlass ab.


– Prof. Stephan Haller, Berner Fachhochschule; Institut Public Sector Transformation; Dozent für eGovernment, Smart Cities
– Ursula Uttinger, Kantonsspital Aarau; Leiterin Legal & Compliance, Datenschutzbeauftragte, Dozentin für Datenschutz
– André Golliez, Mitgründer und Managing Partner bei Zetamind AG; Präsident Swiss Data Alliance


18:30 Begrüssung, Kurzvorstellung MyData Global und Zurich
18:40 Impulsreferat – Smart Cities und Umgang mit Daten
18:55 Impulsreferat – Schutz persönlicher Daten
19:10 World Café – Smart Cities / Open Data / Schutz persönlicher Daten
20:00 Vorstellung der Ergebnisse
20:15 Zusammenfassung, Ausblick
20:30 Apéro, Networking

Third Smart Services Summit 2020

Smart Services Summit 2020

Following on from the successful Smart Services Summit in 2019 we are following with a similar format of short papers and posters to foster closer collaboration between industry and academia.


Digital as an Enabler for Smart Service Business Development for manufacturers, operators, maintenance providers, and asset managers.

Location: centrally in Zurich or online / hybrid (TBD)

The event is preceded by an optional networking dinner on October 22.

You can find more information in the FLYER.

Workshop “Autonomous Personal Robots in Action”

Location: F&P Robotics AG, Rohrstrasse 36, 8152 Glattbrugg ZH

Registration: Send us a mail at

F&P Robotics is developing products and solutions in the field of professional personal
robotics. Applications are realized in healthcare (mobile assistants for elderly care,
disabled people and rehabilitation centers), gastronomy (bar robotics) and collaborative

Especially for the autonomous robots which serve in the healthcare sector, autonomous,
context related behavior is essential. These systems include a lot of sensorics including 3
cameras, laser sensors and tactile sensors, as well as artificial intelligence for decision
processing and learning.

The workshop is designed to give insight into the complete solution of the autonomous
assistant robot Lio and the collaborative robot arm P-Rob.

The mobile robot Lio includes a collaborative 6 DoF robot arm (P-Rob 3), P-Grip
manipulator, sensor fingers, camera module, mobile platform with multi-modal sensors and
WiFi, soft cover, exchangeable inventory system and docking station for autonomous

The software development package includes standard functions for personal care
assistance, quality of life improvements, transport and manipulation, myP robot control
software for teaching and programming Lio with addons for proactive behavior, calendar
scheduling, navigation, speech synthesis and recognition, generic web-interfaces; Motion
Control Module providing soft and precise low level arm control modes; Integrated ROS
components including navigation with SLAM and collision avoidance, face recognition,
object detection, human pose estimation, Aruco marker detection, monitoring tool for ROS
nodes; behavior script basis with generic intermediate functions and templates for high
level skills; OS system access for Nuc and Jetson, developer access for P-Rob 3; web-
interfaces for developers and users, TCP and ROS interface.


13:30 – 14:00 (Dr. Hansruedi Früh, Managing Director)

Introduction to the fields of a) collaborative robotics and b) care robotics with technical, safety and intended use aspects

14:00 – 14:45 (Rastislav Marko, Software and Lio System Development)

Description of integrated Python scripting language
Programming exercises with the robots via myPⓇ’s browser interface
State machine to improve robustness and structure of control flow

14:45 – 15:15 (Frederik Zwilling, Software Development and Lio Project Management)

Principles of autonomous behavior: context acquisition, planner and decision engine

15:15 – 15:45 (Dr. Justinas Miseikis, Head of AI)

Explanation of the learning principles for voice and face detection, learning by examples and reinforcement learning of manipulation of objects

15:45 – 16:30 (F&P Technical and UX Team)

Live demos of the robots and simulations

16:30 – 17:00 (all)

Move to Baronics AG, Schaffhauserstrasse 437, 8050 Zurich-Oerlikon

17:00 (Daniel Adamec, Jannik von Rickenbach)

We enjoy a drink at the Barney Robot bar
Get some explanations of its functional principles
Discussion and goodbye

POSTPONED – Knowledge Graph Forum

How to propose a new session

If you would like to submit a session, simply create a new issue and fill out the Knowledge Graph Unconfernce template by clicking on Get Started. We have slots for 6 sessions of one hour each. If we have more than 6 proposals, we will let participants vote upfront, most probably in the GitHub issues itself.

Please note that while we organize it mostly upfront to save time, the session should be unconference style: You are welcome to start and do a presentation of the topic on your own but it should not last longer than 20 minutes (we will be strict about that). The rest of the time should be used to have an interaction with the audience about the topic you present. There are screens in all rooms.

For a session proposal, we ask you to provide us with:

What would you like to talk about
Who might be interested in that (technical audience, management, data scientists, etc.)
What would you like to know from other participants, what feedback are you looking for?
What is your background (name, affiliation, etc)

What we look for in the sessions

Real-world use cases of RDF-based Knowledge Graphs.
Any topic about scaling and using RDF in the real world. This includes prototypes, tools, libraries, etc.
Lessons learned in using RDF Knowledge Graphs in the real world. We also welcome things that did not work out and projects that failed!

What we do not look for

Sales pitches. You are welcome to present whatever you used to solve your problem but focus on the use-case itself and the way you approached it and less on software, especially when it is commercial.
Knowledge Graph Forum is strongly leaning towards RDF-based Knowledge Graphs. Other graph databases are of less interest.
No paper or research presentations, there are enough conferences for these topics already.

Use-Case Talks Series

In collaboration with Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions.

We enjoy in-depth technical discussions and exchange information about interesting technical challenges amon industry, academic and individual members in our Use-Case Talk Series. In a relaxed atmosphere we will discuss about progresses and challenges in data projects, Use-Cases and applications.

The Use-Case Talks Series will take place in TECHNOPARK® Zürich through Google Hangouts on 17.06.2020 from 18:00 – 22:00.

The Use-Case Talk Series is organized by Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions AG on behalf of Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services.

The following speakers will participate:

Mark Schuster (UiPath Switzerland GmbH)

Christian Kindler (Valdon Mesh GmbH)

Achim Kohli (legal-i)

Participation is free of charge — interesting discussions at the networking Apéro are included! An invitation link will be sent after your registration.

For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position) to The number of places is limited!

For more information please check the FLYER.

Match-Making Event

Join us on April 28th, 2020, 1:00 – 3:20 pm for another round of matching among Data+Service members.

At the first Data+Service Alliance online match-making event you will:

  • listen to exciting pitches and collaboration ideas
  • sharpen your collaboration ideas by discussing them with other experts
  • find the best-fitting collaboration partners for your project

Two ways to participate:

  1. Pitch your idea and find project partners.
    What to do: Send us a 45 seconds video of your idea, including an introduction of you and your project goal as well as a brief description of the partners you’re trying to find.
    Deadline: April 20th, 2020.* Alternatively you can send 1-2 slides to pitch your idea at the event. For the event, prepare to pitch your idea in 3 minutes. Make sure to cover the following questions:

    • What’s the project about?
    • What’s the project’s current state?
    • What’s the project’s next step?
    • What or who are you looking for?
    • How should others collaborate?
  2. Listen to ideas and partner-up for a project with one of the pitching teams.
    What to do: Register till April 24th, 2020 by sending a mail to

The event:
First: 3 minutes pitch and 2 minutes questions for each idea.
Then: Split in different virtual rooms to discuss the ideas and find collaboration partners.

Preliminary Agenda
13:00 – 14:30 Pitches
14:30 – 14:45 Break
14:45 – 15:15 Discussion & Matching
15:15 – 15:20 Conclusion

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