Be a Leader in AI Ethics Assessment – IEEE CertifAIEd™ Assessor Training
Deep-dive training in the key areas of Ethical Transparency, Ethical Privacy, Ethical Accountability, and Ethical Algorithmic Bias. Participants who successfully complete the training receive a certificate from IEEE Standards Association, thus achieving the first step towards becoming an IEEE CertifAIEd™ authorized assessor.
This training is the first of its kind in Switzerland and is provided by IEEE CertifAIEd™ certified trainers.
Audience: Representatives of academia (universities), NGO’s and from the private sector in the Zurich region and beyond interested in becoming leaders in AI ethics assessments.
Dates & Times: 24. – 27. Februar 2025
(Monday – Wednesday: 9am – 5pm / Thursday 9am – 12.30pm)
Location: Technikumstrasse 71, 8400 Winterthur
Language: English
Fee: CHF 3’500 (Regular) / CHF 1’750 (Academic/NGOs)
IEEE CertifAIEd™ Assessor Training | ZHAW School of Engineering