Use-Case Talks Series
In collaboration with Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions.
We enjoy in-depth technical discussions and exchange information about interesting technical challenges amon industry, academic and individual members in our Use-Case Talk Series. In a relaxed atmosphere we will discuss about progresses and challenges in data projects, Use-Cases and applications.
The Use-Case Talks Series will take place in TECHNOPARK® Zürich through Google Hangouts on 17.06.2020 from 18:00 – 22:00.
The Use-Case Talk Series is organized by Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions AG on behalf of Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services.
The following speakers will participate:
Mark Schuster (UiPath Switzerland GmbH)
Christian Kindler (Valdon Mesh GmbH)
Achim Kohli (legal-i)
Participation is free of charge — interesting discussions at the networking Apéro are included! An invitation link will be sent after your registration.
For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position) to info.office@data-service-alliance.ch. The number of places is limited!
For more information please check the FLYER.