Use-Case Talk Series on Artificial Intelligence!
Location: ZHAW Lagerstrasse 41, Zurich. Room number ZL O2.10.
Interesting discussions at the networking apéro are included! The Use-Case Talks Series will take place in ZHAW Lagerstrasse on Wednesday, 31.10.2018, at 16:00. The Use-Case Talk Series is organized by Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions AG on behalf of the Swiss Alliance of Data-Intensive Services. The participation is free of charge.
For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position) to alexander.grimm@aspaara.com. The number of places is limited!
Program (31.10.2018)
- 16:00 Introduction by Alexander Grimm (CEO Aspaara Algorithmic Solutions AG)
- 16:15 First Talk – Prof. Dr. Thilo Stadelmann (25 minutes talk + 20 minutes QnA): Challenges, Results and Lessons from the DeepScore Project.
- 17:00 Demonstration — Dr. Lucas Fievet (10 minutes Demo + 5 minutes QnA): “Learning code migrations” reinforcement learning and keyword proximity used for automatical translation of computer code.
- 17:15 Break (15 minutes)
- 17:30 Second Talk — Dr. Christian Spindler (25 minutes talk + 20 minutes QnA): Recent progresses in assessment techniques for black-box systems to build trust in AI.
- 18:15 Apéro