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Smart Service Summit: building resilience in a changing world

The volatility we have experienced recently was unexpected, and society needed to be sufficiently prepared. Unforeseen resource shortages, logistics and skilled people have further challenged our society. We see today that the markets are driven by the scarcity of resources rather than demand. Coupled with this is the need to integrate sustainability into our behaviour. All of this results in a wave of short-term and rushed management decisions that are not sustainable in the medium- and long-term and, in many cases, create unforeseen consequences that, on an individual basis, make sense yet, on a systemic basis, make the situation worse. 

It became evident that we need to be more resilient and able to deal with the changes our rapidly changing world throws at us. Resilience can be achieved by rapidly adapting to a dramatically changed situation (through resourcefulness, adaptability, and flexibility) (Conz & Magnani, 2020). Capacity increases can achieve this by improving the system’s ability to absorb shocks (e.g., by more redundancy, robustness, or agility). Smart services can provide the capability to adapt within ecosystems. By their inherent design of resource integration in socio-technical systems (Vargo et al., 2018), services systems build up the dynamic capabilities to rearrange existing resources for adapting to dynamically changing needs.

The smart services summit 2023 will be dedicated to the capability of smart service systems to support resilience and build sustainability. Contributions are welcome in the following fields:

  • How can smart services create value in dynamic ecosystems?
  • How can dynamic capabilities be developed?
  • How are resilience and sustainability in smart service systems interrelated?
  • How can resilience and short-term value optimisation go hand in hand?
  • What are practical examples and best practice experiences from companies?
  • What role does AI play in building resilience and helping with sustainability?

Contributions are invited both from practitioners and scholars. We prefer emerging work that will create discussions; the studies could be based on cases and theoretical frameworks. Accepted papers will be published in Springer proceedings as 12-page papers. 

Prof. Dr Shaun West and Dr. Jürg Meierhofer



Submissions can be entered here: EASYCHAIR

Abstracts must be made using the abstract template: CLICK HERE.

Full papers must be submitted using the Springer Word Template: CLICK HERE.

All submissions will undergo a blind review process. Further information can be found here:


The proceedings will be published in by Springer

Prior versions:

The co-chairs may contact authors directly for inclusion in an MDPI special call on „Service Ecosystem: Resilience and Sustainability”.


The conference will be held in Zürich on 27 October 2023.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to:

Jürg Meierhofer, Lectuerer for Business Engineering and Operations Management (,

Shaun West, Professor for Product-Service System Innovation (


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Zurich University of Applied Sciences/ZHAW

HSLU Hochschule Luzern – HSLU


Okt. 27 2023


09:00 - 17:30


Oracle, The Circle, Zurich Airport


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