Smart Maintenance Conference by Easyfairs
On the 13th of February we cordially invite you for the Smart Maintenance Conference 2019. Easyfairs together with Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services organises this conference in parallel with the Maintenance Switzerland 2019.
The topics revolve around the newest trends in digitized maintenance. Exciting lectures, stimulating dialogues and solution-oriented discussions with top experts are programmed.
The Smart Maintenance Conference 2019 brings you and your business to the Smart level. We appreciate the professional exchange with you!
Date & time: 13.02.2019, 09:30 – 12:30
Location: Messe ZÜRICH, Hall 3
10:00 – 10:25 : Instandhaltung 4.0: Daten als Gamechanger in der Instandhaltung, by Christoph Heitz, ZHAW
10:25 – 10:50 : Vorgehensweise bei Predictive Maintenance Projekten anhand des Fallbeispiels Post Verteilzentrum, by Marc Tesch, LeanBI
10:50 – 11:15 : Hexagon – Digitale Technologien für die vorausschauende Wartung, by Bernd Reimann, Hexagon
11:35 – 12:00 : Beyond Predictive Maintenance, by Harm Flik, Zuehlke
12:00 – 12:25 : Plattformen und Architekturen zur Speicherung und Analyse von Streaming Daten, by Kurt Stockinger, ZHAW