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Project Day

The Innovation Booster Databooster is organizing the second Project Day, where previously supported innovation teams will present their projects and their developments in 2021/2022 to companies and interested partners.

These innovation teams and companies will share their insights and lessons learned: AI-Bridge, ascentys-ESG, DNEXT, endaprime, eraneos, maxon motors, peerdom, rewoso, TEK, ZHAW together with Tamedia and NZZ.

The presentation and discussion will address topics like sustainability and ESG measuring, Smart Services for complex energy systems, AI and Industry 4.0, Responsible AI, Data-based governance and organizations, data visualization for patients.

13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome
13:40 Innovation Project Presentations + discussion + future thinking
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Innovation Project Presentations + discussion
16:30 Summary
17:00 Apero

To register please use the form below. Seats are limited, early registration is recommended!



Mai 03 2023


13:00 - 18:00


Oracle, The Circle, Zurich Airport
QR Code

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