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Match-Making in Big Data with Academia and Industry

n collaboration with the National Research Programme NRP 75 “Big Data”.

The National Research Programme NRP 75 “Big Data” provides foundations for the effective and
appropriate use of big data. The projects focus on computing and information technology. They deal
with the effects on society as well as on big data applications in various areas of society.

In November 2020, three match-making events will be held to enable possible collaborations
between NRP 75 projects and representatives of the industry. Short pitches of the projects will focus
on technology transfer and will be followed by poster sessions to answer questions, make contacts,
and exchange ideas.

The second match-making event will take place online on 19.11.2020 from 13:00 – 17:00.

If this date doesn’t fit two more match-making events will take place online on 10.11.2020 and on 24.11.2020 (always in the afternoon).

Attendees of the events receive information about the participating projects in advance, so that the
preparation for a qualified feedback is possible.

Participation is free of charge — but the number of places is limited!

For registration please write an email (Name, affiliation and position – and date when you will
attend) to



Nov 19 2020


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