Expert Group Meeting # 3 on Spatial Data Analytics
We kindly remind you that we meet next Thursday at Hotel Spirgarten in Zurich. If you haven’t registered yet we encourage you to do so until Monday evening.
à https://geo7.ch/blog/spatial-data-analytics-expert-group-meeting-3
The main topic is spatial statistics. The program is as follows:
1st. Part: Talks
Prediction of soil properties (Madlene Nussbaum, BFH)
Geostatistical methods with spatially varying coefficients (Jakob Dambon, HSLU)
TopKriging – Interpolation along river networks (Nicolas Lenz, geo7)
2nd Part: Discussion groups
3rd Part: Other activities and ideas in the expert group
Workshop @ Workshoptage (industry testimonial)
> who is interested in participating?
4th Part: Apéro riche