Data Economy – the Land of Endless Opportunities?
Save the date – and meet the Chief Data Officer of LinkedIn!
Date & Time: 31.10.2019, 17:00 – 19:00
Location: KOL-F-117, Rämistrasse 71, University of Zurich, 8006 Zürich
The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, it is data. In the Information Age, data powers growth and change, increasing quality of life and paving the way for fairer and more efficient societies. But the true promise of the Data Economy remains largely unfulfilled because we still lack the technology – and agreement – to allow for standard, secure and efficient data exchange. There’s no real market place yet – and the means of production in the hands of a few rather suggests a feudal hierarchy than a modern economy. Will this change? Can this change? Different experts and players in this field will present their aspects on the topic.
Places are limited! So register soon.
5 pm : Welcome by the Expert Group Leaders, Introduction of the topic
5:10 : The Future of Data: Insights gathered interviewing Start-ups, VCs, Advisers, University professors, and Corporate leaders in Silicon Valley during an inter-company project
Mariana Raschke/Nicolas Germiquet, Swiss Mobilar
Lisa Zimmermann, Swiss Post
Alice Dal Fuoco, PostFinance
5:30 : LinkedIn’s Business based on Data: Chances and Challenges – Igor Perisic, Chief Data Officer, LinkedIn
6:15 : Bitsabout.me – an European View on Data Economy – Christian Kunz, Founder and CEO, Bitsabout.me
6:30 : Panel-Discussion (Mariana, Nicolas, Lisa, Alice, Igor, Christian)
7 pm : Apéro time!